Sunday, November 8, 2009

How To Identify Incorrect Sentences .

In this post I will be writing about some of the common mistakes in sentences (as in selecting the correct/wrong/most-appropriate/least-appropriate sentence from the given options.)

Mistake 1.) Using misplaced modifiers.

Funda : When a word modifies another word, the two should be next to each other.

Mistake 2.) Using improper pronouns.

funda : Each pronoun must agree with the pronoun it replaces.

Each pronoun must refer directly and unambiguously to the noun it replaces.

Mistake 3.) Changing the verb tense unnecessarily.

funda : The verb tense of a sentence should remain consistent. If the tense is established somewhere in the sentence, there is rarely a need to change it. // I don't have any example of when this ' rarely ' happens.

Mistake 4.) Constructing sentences that lack parallelism.

funda : Just as in previous funda, the structure of the sentence must remain consistent.

Mistke 5.) Comparing Apples and Oranges . // How catchy isn't it ???

funda : When-ever you compare two or more things in a sentence, you have to make sure that all of them are in fact comparable + there must not be any ambiguity as to the validity of the comparison.

Mistake 6.) Improper subject-verb agreement.

funda : The subject and the verb of a sentence must be in agreement.

Mistake 7.) Using incorrect idioms.

Funda : Idioms are idioms and whether or not they sound correct to you, they can't be changed or modified.

Courtesy : GMAT preparatory resources.

P.S. -> I am not very good in verbal, and probably not the right person to give insights into it, kindly ensure that the mentioned rules are correct before applying them in any entrance exam.

1 comment:

  1. hey.....great work here.....but it could be a lot better if you cite an example with each of the incorrect usages....its easier to understand that way!
