Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Those 135 mintues ....

THIS POST IS REPLICA OF MY POST IN THE PG THREAD "The most important 135 minutes), I am posting it here for those of you who are not on pg (though its a great place to be for all CAT aspirants), in hope that it might help you in some way

I am not a winner, I am not a loser, though there is one-thing sure


CAT isn't just an exam for me (I am sure it won't be just that for any of you) its a way to prove myself, its the pay-back time to all people who have believed in me, even when I failed, and I failed miserably (more about this in the "coveted" post.

I have too many bad habits, and honestly speaking I love having some of them. One of these is the strong urge to "prove my-self right, come what may".
In CAT perspective, people have been telling me to do this and to do that, because it is what his brother/sister/friend has done and he is in some premier college. There were suggestions ranging from to mug-up the word-lists, to learn squares, cubes of natural numbers and what not, to not bother much about speed but work on accuracy, to read norman lewis, wren n martin, barren, to solve arun sharma and I don't know how many other books. To solve tougher questions(which either take more than 5 minutes time to solve, or which need some particular methodology without which they are un-solvable) because they will make me ready to face comparatively easier questions in CAT, to solve the paper with this strategy and that and what not.

But with these bad habits, I have a good habit, I do know about my-self, my strengths and weaknesses and I do know what I want from life and what I can do for it. I knew that I can't do a lot of things, unless I can't convince myself that I will do myself some good by remembering Barren's 3000 (or so ..) words, I am not gonna do that.

I always believed in one thing, if I can keep myself interested in CAT till the D-Day I can make it. So kept things simple, kept things in control so that they seem fun, when I appeared in my first AIMCAT(actually aimtest), the only thing in my mind was to have fun (and may be to prove that THIS IS THE RIGHT APPROACH), I thought nothing about strategy, I thought nothing about cut-offs, just a simple n basic guideline was there " GO THERE AND DO YOUR BEST IN ALL THE SECTIONS". I scored 99.23 percentile with VA at 80.92 percentile and rest 2 at 99.xx .

From that time to this, nothing much has changed, I am planning to follow the same simple strategy in CAT ' 09." GO THERE AND DO YOUR BEST IN ALL THE SECTIONS".

At times, I am compelled to show others how important a particular strategy is in cracking CAT, or that a particular book will do wonders for your preparation but honestly speaking the most important thing that can help you is "KEEP THINGS SIMPLE AND LOVE THE JOB YOU DO".

At 22'nd jan, I may feel shattered, and every-one reading this post after that date may feel, that's why he is not there.
But those 135 minutes are mine, I am gonna do what I love and what I have believed in those 135 minutes.
That way, I might turn out into a failure by not being there, but I will survive coz I still loved my job, I loved my preparations (this is what people call it), I loved my mock-cats and my discussions with puys, with my KDT and PGDT team-mates and with my hostel friends.

Success or Failure,
for one thing I am sure...
No matter what comes out,
I am gonna survive.

~~~~ Live ur life, not to be a hero BUT to live your life and mind you, living your life ain't same as just being alive ~~~~

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